HUNDREDS more drivers are being shopped to the police by residents sending in images of wrongdoing on the roads, data reveals. 

Dorset Police’s online reporting tool for alleged road traffic offences, called Operation Snap, saw 1,721 submissions last year. 

Compared with 2022’s figures of 1,473, more than 200 more drivers faced criminal prosecution. 

Launched in 2019, Operation Snap allows road users such as cyclists or drivers with dashcams to submit what they believe to be offences committed on the road to the police. 

Submissions are then looked at by police officers and then considered for further action. 

In 2023, more than 40 per cent of footage led to police action being taken against the driver.

Bournemouth Echo: New cycle lane in Wallisdown Road, A3049. Picture: BNPS

A total of 843 incidents led to prosecution and 106 cases of Operation Snap reports led to court prosecution, a Freedom of Information request has revealed. 

In comparison, 2022 saw 630 incidents led to a prosecution and 122 cases ended up in court, where a warning notice, caution of words of advice can be given. 

The number of Operation Snap submissions has increased year on year, with 250 in 2019, 647 in 2020, 947 in 2021 and 1,473 in 2022. 

Those who submit footage under Operation Snap must be able to provide the registration number of the vehicle alleged to have committed motoring offences.  

They should also be prepared to sign a witness statement and there is a possibility that they will need to give evidence in court, police said. 

The initiative is not for footage of crashes or any other offences, however it could be used for driving whilst using a phone, overtaking on solid white lines or jumping red lights. 

Victoria Kennedy, who leads Dorset Police’s Operation Snap, said the scheme helps make Dorset’s roads a safer place. 

Road safety expert Gary Digva, founder of Road Angel, said: “Dashcams are extremely useful devices for motorists, and can help them to gather evidence and information for both insurance companies and the police if there is an accident."