The UK is seeing the earliest signs of autumn in more than 20 years after extreme temperatures and lack of rainfall. 

Trees have already started to drop leaves and fruit beginning to ripen weeks ahead of schedule following record temperatures. 

The Met Office states that a drought status could be confirmed across the nation if dry weather continues. 

Following only 15.8mm of rainfall in July, making it one of the lowest amounts on record since 1911 when just 13.4 mm fell. 

The autumn season doesn't officially begin until September 1 but heatwaves often give the impression of a changing season, such as seeing trees drop their leaves.

Fritha West from the Woodland Trust spoke to the Telegraph saying: "The record-breaking heat we have just experienced has helped bring on a number of early autumn events.

"We have received some of our earliest ever ripe blackberry records from the south of England.

"Hawthorn and rowan are also ripening early in some parts of the country, where early leaf tinting has also been observed."

So far England has experienced its driest eight-month period since the heatwave of 1976, with conditions set to have a severe knock-on effect on food production.